Kiwamirembe Catholic Shrine

Mass Time Schedules


There is always a pilgrimage mass every 1st Sunday of the month, with a special intention;

ROSARY Starts at 10:30am, Mass at 11:00am.

JanuaryTo thank Go for his protection and pray for His blessings of the new year.
FebruaryTo pray for the sick and disabled
MarchTo pray for the persecuted church
AprilTo pray for Pope, Bishops and Priests
MayTo pray for the Youth and those without employment
JuneTo pray that the right education is imparted to the children
JulyTo pray for all office bearers in the service of the church and the state.
AugustTo pray for peace and the eligible to receive holy matrimony
SeptemberTo pray that those who have suffered bereavement of any kind be comforted
OctoberTo pray for those who received holy matrimony are stable and happily married
NovemberTo pray for the souls in purgatory
DecemberTo pray for the religious and all agents of evangelism

He pledged that if peace was restored in Uganda with safety from bombs; he would certainly erect a shrine and dedicate it to Mother Mary.

In the property that was looted during the war of 1979, was a box which was found around the railway in Kampala; in it was the statue of Mother Mary.

Fortunately, it was neither taken far nor damaged. It was left open by the looters thinking they had looted a corpse of a white English Lady. The people who found it later, informed the Catholic church at the time, who later collected and took it to Nsambya Procure, waiting for its claimants. As for Fr. John, after the civil war, he fulfilled his pledge by building a shrine on top of Kiwamirembe hill, baptiseing it “Our Lady Queen of peace Shrine”. He then went on the hunt for an appropriate and big enough statue of Mary. However, he was fortunate enough to procure the statue from Nsambya through the then Archbishop Cardinal Emmanuel Nsubuga (RIP) who granted him permission After years of waiting for the claimants of the statue that didn’t show up.